The Barkers were dissatisfied with the dairy industry, and Phillip felt that his relationship with the milk company and factors outside his control heavily influenced his decisions: “I couldn’t get away from the farm loan debt. They had control of everything, really.” Dorathy added: “Especially with Farmers Home Administration using the supervised bank account system. Whenever milk prices went high, feed prices, hauling, and advertising went high also.”
Began Work with Transfarmation
Awarded R&I Grant for Greenhouse and Mushroom Growing
Started Construction
Began exploring expansion of crops and mushrooms
Reflecting on the potential impact of sharing their farm-transition experience with other farmers, Phillip said: “I looked at [the dairy barn] at one time as a white elephant. Now I see it as a structure … that the next generation can use and make it even better. If there’s a possibility of having a structure on your farm like this one, you need to try to find some way of creating something for it to do that’s constructive, that will benefit you.”