The largest 4% of U.S. farms control 58% of farmland, while 13% of U.S. farms control 0.14% of farmland.
Forty-one percent of poultry farms have debt, while 65.6% of dairy farms have debt.
Family farm Chapter 12 bankruptcies grew by almost 20% from 2018 to 2019. Ninety-five percent of dairy farms are family farms. There were 3,281 fewer dairy milk operations in 2019 than in 2018.
The top 4% of farms account for 69% of U.S. farm sales, while the bottom 76% of farms make up a mere 3% of sales.
Forty-five percent of U.S. poultry farmers have a negative net income. The median net poultry farm income was $17,862.94 in 2019, meaning half the poultry farmers in the country earned less than this amount.
Source: Rashmit Arora and Alexandra Bookis, The Economic State of U.S. Farming (Los Angeles: Mercy For Animals, n.d.), 5–20.